MUZIATUN; “A Descriptive Study On Students’ Ability In Formulating Coherent Ideas In Essay”. Skripsi. English Department of Letter and Culture Faculty of Gorontalo State University, January 2005. Adviser I: Dra. Kartin Lihawa, M.Pd, Adviser II Drs. Harto S Malik, M. Hum.
The problem statement in this research is “How is the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay”. In carrying out this research, the researcher just state one problem that would be solved.
The researcher wants to describe the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay and to know the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay.
This study provides descriptively the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay. The researcher uses qualitative method. The population of this research is the.
Six semester students of English Department of Letter and Culture Faculty in Gorontalo State University academic year 2003-2004.
The last result of this research shows that the students categorized into very good only 2,43%, the students’ scores categorized into pretty good 9,75%, students’ scores into good 46,34%, students’ scores into average 7,41%, students categorized into poor 21,95% and students’ scores categorized into very poor 12,19%.
The data is collected by giving a writing test; after calculating the data, the researcher found that the student’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay is various, and the total percentage of semester V12 students of English Department at Gorontalo state University in Academic year 2003-2004 ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay is only 3,22% or categorized into average level.
Through this research the researcher hopes that this research will be useful for teaching and learning process, especially for students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas of their essay, thus it can help them to understand and try to find the best and the appropriate strategy to build up an essay formulation. The last, this research will give a contribution to another researcher in conducting further research. Moreover, it needs another researcher to continue this research.
In this case, the researcher suggests to the English Teacher to give more exercises to write an essay, thus students’ in writing essay will increase by practicing.
TITLE.…………………………………………………………… .i
ABSTRACT.……………………………………………………... ii
APPROVAL SHEET......………………………………………… iii
LEGALIZATION SHEET.……………………………………… .iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION.…………………………………... v
PREFACE……………………………………………………….. vi
CONTENT LIST…………………………………………………... ix
APPENDIXES LIST…………………………………………….. xi
1.1. Basic Consideration.................................................. 1
1.2. Problem Statement................................................... .4
1.3. Reason for Choosing the Topic................................. 4
1.4. Scope and Delimitation of study............................... 4
1.5. The Objective of Study.............................................. 5
1.6. The Significance of Study......................................... 5
1.7. Basic Assumption...................................................... 6
1.8. Approach................................................................... 6
1.9. Organization of Skripsi............................................. 7
2. 1. Writing ..................................................................... 8
2.1.1. The Nature of Writing......................................... 8
2.1.2. Component of Writing......................................... 9
2.2 Coherence........................................................... 13
2.2.1 The Meaning of Coherence........................ 13
2.2.2 Transition Signal........................................ 14
2.2.3 Logical Order............................................. 15
2.3 Essay Composition.............................................. 17
2.3.1 Theoretical Concept of Essay.................... 17
2.3.2 Main Parts of Essay................................... 18
3.1 Method of Research............................................ 21
3.2 Subject of Research............................................ 21
3.3 Technique of Collecting The Data...................... 22
3.4 Technique of Analyzing The data....................... 23
4.1 Very Poor Level................................................... 26
4.2 Poor Level............................................................ 27
4.3 Average Level...................................................... 30
4.4 Good Level........................................................... 32
4.5 Pretty Good Level................................................. 34
4.6 Very Poor Level.................................................... 37
5.1 Conclusions........................................................... 42
5.2 Suggestions........................................................... 43
Appendix 1..................................................................................... 48
Appendix 2..................................................................................... 50
Appendix 3..................................................................................... 51
Appendix 4..................................................................................... 52
Appendix 5..................................................................................... 53
Appendix 6..................................................................................... 54
Appendix 7..................................................................................... 55
Appendix 8..................................................................................... 56
Appendix 9..................................................................................... 57
Appendix 10................................................................................... 58
1.1. Basic Consideration
Doing activities of writing requires creative efforts. It means that in this activity we should do some step. The first step is creating the idea. In this step we try to find background or basic consideration from the topic that appear in our brain. After that, we move to the second step, there is arranging the ideas that we found first into the right composition. The last step is delivering the arrangement of idea in written form by using a language, which is understood by the reader. After we know what creative effort in writing is, we can summarize that writing is categorized as a productive skill because when doing this activity, the writer is in the position of producing ideas, in this when we composes a paragraph.
Oshima and Ann (1981: 3) stated that “a paragraph has three major structural parts: a topic sentences, supporting sentences and a concluding sentences”.
Among the topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences above should be built up in good organization will confuse the readers and consequently the idea that the writer deliver cannot be grasped well.
Temple (in Ibrahim, 2001: 8) stated, “The process of writing involves three activities, namely:
Discovering idea to be written;
Organizing the idea;
Selection of words to deliver the ideas”.
Based on Temple’s theory above, especially in point 2; organizing the idea; we could say that all of the ideas which come from our mind need to be organized by us in right organization. Because if organization the ideas in clear, automatically the readers can fully understand what our idea mean is. Moreover, the reader can fully understand our messages.
The main purpose in writing activity is good relationship between the writer’s mean and the reader understanding. To make our reader understand what we write about, we must formulate the appropriate coherence idea.
Sullivan (1976: 8) stated, “Coherence means that the parts of the paragraph should be logically connected”.
Coherence idea is very important in a written form. It refers to unity of idea, which is written. The unity here means the organization of idea among topic, supporting, and concluding, in order that the last purpose of writing can be proved.
In writing field, there is an essay, if we want to write a more complex or boarder topic, we need another form of wring, which consists of more than one paragraph, which is called an essay.
“An essay is a piece of writing several paragraphs long instead of just one or two paragraphs. It is written about one topic, just as a paragraph is. However, the topic of an essay is too long, and too complex to discuss in one paragraph. Therefore we must divide the topic into several paragraphs together by adding an introduction and a conclusion”. (Oshima and Ann, 1981:77)
Writing an Essay is not more difficult than writing a Paragraph However, the only difference is that essay is longer than a paragraph. The rhetorical principles of organization are similar. Therefore, if we are good enough at paragraph writing, surely we can write an essay even more satisfactorily.
Muhyidin (1988: 188) said, “Essay should have the following characteristics:
1.The introduction should be inviting.
2.The introduction should have a clear thesis.
3.The topic sentences should support the thesis.
4.The support in the paragraph should support the topic sentences.
5.The conclusion should logically end the discussion.
6.The essay should be unified and coherent”.
In education field, students of English language are expected to be able to write English in standard style. However, it is very difficult to do. Based on the researcher and her friends’ experience when she and her Friends were studying writing subject especially essay material, it is confusing to put the appropriate coherent idea in it. Thus, it is interesting to be investigated this problem.
From the fact that illustrated above, the researcher concludes that the students find difficulties to formulate coherence idea in their essay. They do not put the appropriate coherence idea in their essay. Thus, the researcher would like to investigate the students’ ability in formulating coherent idea of essay and the title of this research is “A Descriptive Study on Students’ Ability in Formulating Coherent idea in essay”.
1.2. Problem Statement
In carrying out this research, the researcher just states one problem that would be solved, that is: How is the students’ ability in formulating coherent idea in essay?
1.3. Reason for Choosing the Topic
The researcher underlines some reasons for choosing this problem as follows:
1.Students’ ability in writing essay is significance because writing is one of the English skills that have to be mastered by the student.
2.Coherence is one aspects of writing.
3.The ability of formulating coherent idea in essay is important because it will be difficult for readers to understand what writer means if the coherence of idea in their essay is unclear or unsystematically.
1.4. Scope and Delimitation of Study
Cahyono (in Hasan, 2000: 9) argued, “Coherence refers to the unity of idea in each paragraph. Coherent aspect is very important. A paragraph can be called coherent if it has topic idea. A coherent Paragraph must also have no irrelevant or unrelated sentences to the topic ideas and show a chose connection between the ideas flow from the outset to the end”.
Based on the statement above, the researcher limits this research on the coherent ideas among the ideas in introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and concluding paragraph of an essay. Furthermore, this research is dealing with the ability of students in formulating coherent idea of essay.
1.5. The Objective of Study
The objectives of this research are:
1.To describe the students’ ability in formulating coherent idea in essay.
2.To know the students’ ability in formulating coherent idea in essay.
1.6. The Significance of Study
Through this research the researcher hopes that;
1.This research will be useful for teaching and learning process, especially in students’ mastery of writing.
2.The teacher would know about students’ ability in formulating coherent idea of their essay, so that it can help them to understand and try to find the best and the appropriate strategy to build up an essay formulation.
3.This research will give a contribution to another researcher in doing further research. Thus, it needs another researcher to continue this research.
1.7. Basic Assumption
According to Sugiono (1994: 39) basic assumption is a starting point of thinking where the truth is accepted by the researcher himself. From this theory, the researcher takes some assumptions, which are as follows:
1.An essay is difficult for the students.
2.Coherence is confusing for the students.
3.A good essay doesn’t only depend on the good words, which we drawn but also depends on the coherent idea in it. Moreover, it depends in the unity of idea in each parts of essay.
4.Every student has potency, and it must be developed through the right procedures.
5.Student’s ability in formulating coherent idea if an essay is various.
1.8. Approach
In analyzing the problem in this research the researcher uses an approach, which is oriented towards the language itself, especially material about writing essay. This approach is called “structural approach”. By using this approach the researcher would observe the students’ essay and then find out the formulating of the coherent idea that they may make. The researcher would also see if the coherent ideas are developed well in their essay.
1.9. Organization of Skripsi
This skripsi is organized into five chapters, they are as Follows:
Chapter I is introduction. It is involved basic consideration, problem statement, and reason for choosing the topic, scope and delimitation of study, the objective of study, the significance of study, basic assumption, approach organization of skripsi.
Chapter II is theoretical framework, consists of writing; the nature of writing, and components of writing; coherence; the meaning of coherence, transition signal, and logical order; essay composition; theoretical concept of an essay, and main parts of an essay.
Chapter III is methodology of research that consists of method of research, subject of research, technique of collecting the data, and technique of analyzing the data.
Chapter IV is students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay consists of very poor level, average level, good level, pretty good level, and very good level.
Chapter V is conclusions and suggestions.
2.1. Writing
2.1.1. The Nature of Writing
As pointed out at the beginning of the previous chapter, writing is a complex skill and categorized as a productive one as the same as speaking.
Mukminanatien (in Ibrahim, 2001: 6) assumed that “writing is the most difficult and complex skill because in writing the students do not only deal with the structure but also choose the proper words or vocabulary, organize the idea into the coherent organization and keep the relevance of the topic that will be discussed with the content of the passage”.
Thus, in Mukminatien’s assumption above, the researcher can conclude that in writing process we have to organize the idea. Organizing the idea in a composition is an advanced skill. It needs the practices and exercises. The idea, which is written, must be coherent and logical, in order that the reader will understand it easily.
Expressing ideas in well organized is essential to our success in study. Through a good writing, we can make our thoughts clear to our reader. To be able to compose a good writing, however we needs some knowledge of what writing is, and later we must be able to write one.
Good writing in English requires both good grammar and good organization. We have to select grammatical structures and also know how to organize our thought in writing, to know how to organize our ideas quickly and write about them clearly.
2.1.2. Component of Writing
According to Harris (1969:68-69) “the writing process has been analyzed in many differesnt ways, most teachers would probably agree in recognizing at five general components, as follows:
Content; the substance of the writing and the idea expressed.
Form; the organization of the content including coherence of idea.
Grammar; the employment of grammatical forms and syntactic patterns.
Style; the choice of structures and lexical items to give a particular tone or flavor to the writing.
Mechanics; the use of the graphic conventions of the language”.
Heaton (1989: 96-69) stated that writing skill is complex and difficult to teach, requiring mastering not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and judgements elements. The following analysis attempts to group in many and varied skill necessary for writing good prose into four main areas:
Grammatical skill;
The ability to write correct sentences.
Stylistic skill;
The ability to manipulate sentences and use language effectively.
Mechanical skill;
The ability to use correctly those conversations peculiar to the written language, e.g.: punctuation and spelling.
Judgements skill.
The ability to write in an appropriate manner for particular purpose with particular audience in mind, together with the ability to select, organize and other relevant information.
From those definitions it can be concluded that there are some main areas that should be mastered by the students and each items of those main area will guide the student to write correctly.
Generally, a composition of writing must have several features, namely:
a. coherence
According to Webster’s (2003-241) “coherence is systematic or logical connection or consistency”; it mans that coherence refers to unity of idea in a paragraph written, not only the unity of idea in a paragraph, but also the unity of idea in each paragraph. Coherent aspect is very important.
A paragraph can be called coherent if it has topic idea. A coherent paragraph also shouldn’t have irrelevance of unrelated sentences to the topic idea therefore it should show a close connection between the idea in the sentences so that the reader feel that the idea follow from the outset to the end.
b. Clarity
Sullivan (1976: 14) said, “Our paragraph will be clear and enjoyable to read if we follow the direction to organize and develop the paragraph carefully”.
Clarity means clearness. There are two general rules, which are important in writing clear, meaningful sentences. First, think before writing; be sure to express the desired meaning. Second, make sure sentences structure is correct.
A composition should have clarity which means that the idea must be delivered clearly. Clarity means that every sentence in a paragraph contributes to develop one central idea. Every sentences or detail in a paragraph must qualify, support, and explain the main idea; in order readers are not confused to understand it.
c. Grammatical
Webster (2003: 543) stated that grammatical is conforming to the rule of grammar; or study of the classes of words, their inflections and their function and relation in sentences.
It is the fact that writing a composition as the researcher said earlier carries the writer’s thought or opinion. The clarify uses a language that is understood by the readers. In the English language, there are at least seven classifications of words based on their usage in a sentence. The clarify of idea which given depends on the correct arrangement of the sentences. Thus, the sentences must be grammatically correct.
d. Syntactical
Webster (2003: 1269) said that syntactical is arranging linguistics elements according to the rules of syntax or the way in which linguistic elements (as words) are put together to form constituents (as phrases or classes).
Syntactical seems to be the same with grammatical, but syntactical refers to the arrangement of words into a grammatically correct sentence recognize a pattern of “S+V+O”.
e. Stylistical
Greenbaum (1992: 160) stated that style in writing is reflecting to the choices of words that will be putting into composition.
We have much more time when we write and generally we have the opportunity to revise what we write. Sometimes, we are happy with our decision, but very often we think of new things as we write and perhaps we want to change both of what we write and how we write it. In particular, we will consider how we can ensure that we convey our message effectively.
Stylistical refers to the writer ability to choose the suitable words or idioms in composition. Keep in mind that there are some categories of readers, the differences of social status that will influence our style in writing. Thus, we as a writer should know the phenomenon of this society.
f. Mechanical
According to Harris (1969: 76-77) mechanics of writing are including punctuation, capitalization, and also spelling.
Punctuation is the use of special symbols in writing. It is used to separate words into sentences, clauses, phrases, quotations, and contractions. Correct use of punctuation assists the reader in comprehending the meaning and grammatical relationships of concepts, ideas, and words. Punctuation symbols convey meaning and thoughts to the reader that are not explicitly communicated by the words used.
Writing well requires the use of proper punctuation for practical and effective communication. Writing can become difficult for the writer who lacks skill in punctuation.
Accurate spelling should be observed during both the writing and proofreading stages.
2.2. Coherence
2.2.1. The Meaning of Coherence
One of several features of writing is coherence. The etymology of ‘‘coherence’’ is derived from Latin word. Co is a Latin prefix that means ‘‘together’’ or ’’with’’. The verb ’’cohere’’ means’’ hold together’’. (Oshima and Ann, 1981: 26).
In order to have coherence in writing, the movement from one sentenced to the next must be logical and smooth. It should go natural with no possibility of misleading interpretation. There must be no sudden jumps. Each sentence and each paragraph should flow smoothly into the next one.
According to Sullivan (1976:8) the term of coherence means that the parts of the paragraph should be logically connected. To make a comparison, a coherent paragraph is like a motor that is properly assembled, with all the parts in the right places, so the motor can run well.
The human mind is filled with multiple and fragmented thoughts. If these thoughts become a final copy without a plan, the result may be disorganized, incoherent and meaningless. Writing skill will lead the writer to accomplishment and presentation of a well-balanced writing. Effective writing skill demand knowledge, discipline, effort, and organization.
“The are two main ways to achieve coherence. The first way is to use transition signal to show how one idea is related to the next. The second way to achieve coherence is to arrange sentences in logical order”. (Oshima and Ann, 1981:26).
2.2.2. Transition Signal
Transition signal plays important roles in text construction. They can help the readers to understand or recognized the text content easily. Transition signal can show readers direction of idea clearly.
Sullivan (1976;101) argued that signals like road signs to the motorist, should help to keep the reader moving in the right direction in following the writer thoughts in the composition.
The best way of achieving coherence in writing is to develop the power of thinking so that the paragraph we organize can unfold in a logical step-by-step manner. However, sometimes, it may be helpful to the reader if we use transition signal to make the relationship among the parts of our writing into logical units.
Transition signal can be like some words, phrase, and sentence, paragraph that clearly shows the reader how an idea related to the one or ones, which precede it. When we write an individual paragraph, we are likely to use transition signal words or phrases, and in any part of an essay, we may find sentence or paragraph linkers.
In a longer piece of writing, transition paragraph can be used to link two unrelated ideas in the body of an essay; so that the movement from one idea to another is smooth. Thus, transition paragraph shift the reader’s attention away one link of thinking and toward another. In addition, transition paragraph serves the function of a kind bridge, to close the gaps between two or more unrelated ideas.
Keep in mind, in making a composition we may not use transition signal to often, because it can be monotonous and gimmicky. When using this transition signal, we make sure that the second paragraph does, in fact, answer the question posted in the first.
2.2.3. Logical Order
In addition to use transition signal, a second way in achieving coherence is to arrange our sentences in some kind of logical order.
Oshima and Ann (1981:35) stated that since there are different kinds of logical relationship, there are different ways to organize the idea and sentences in a paragraph. Our choice of one kind of logical order over another will, of course, depend on our topic and purpose. We may even combine two or more different logical orders in the same paragraph. The two most common kinds of logical order in English rhetoric are chronological order of importance.
Chronological Order
Chronological order is the one of the easiest methods of organization to master. Chronos is a Greek word meaning time. Oshima and Ann (1981:35) that chronological order therefore is a way of organizing the idea in a paragraph in the order of occurrence in time.
Inman and Gardner (1979:74) said “the simplest way to arrange details in time is to list them in the order in which their occur, from beginning to the end, from action 1 to action 2 to action 3, 4, 5, and 6 Most of the selection that is a reasonable order and often the most effective one”.
We will arrange our details chronologically when we want to emphasize “when”, when it matters that one thing happened before another and after still another or when we want to emphasize about the length of time it took to complete a series of actions, or when our material is so complex and detailed that it requires the simplicity and order provided by a natural time sequence. (Our thoughts tend to fall into event without our conscious planning).
Order of Importance
Oshima and Ann (1981:41) assumed that another very common way to organize the idea in a paragraph is to discuss them in the order of their importance. There are two ways to do this: firs, we can discuss the most important point first, and work down to the least important point. The second is we ca begin with the least important and end our paragraph with the most important. The way we choose will depend on our topic and our purpose; the both way can be effective.
By seeing the explanation above, it can be concluded that another basic arrangement of a paragraph is the order of importance. This requires the writer to arrange his concepts from the least important to the most important, or on the contrary.
2.3. Essay Composition
2.3.1. Theoretical Concept of an Essay
Before we are going to discuss what an essay is, it should be better for us to know the terminology of the paragraph first.
In Saraka (1988: 26-27) there are some definitions of paragraph that stated by the expert. They are as follows:
West stated that basically paragraph is delivering from the words Para and graphein. Para means beside, and graphein means the writing. In this sense paragraph starts to indicate to the reader that a new kind of material will come soon.
Hogins stated that paragraph is a series of closely related idea, which constitute a unit.
Warriner argued that a paragraph is a series of sentences developing one topic. The idea in a paragraph must be arranged according to a definite plan and should follow one another clearly and smoothly.
Lastly Kollin suggested again that paragraph refers to a group of related sentences arranges in a logical order supplying the readers with detailed information on a single important topic.
Now, let us try to know what an essay really means. Sullivan (1976: 97) said that essay means putting together a whole by the combination of parts. It is an exercise in putting together words, sentences, and paragraphs. The parts of composition that are combined into the whole. Essay here means a composition of about four to eight paragraphs or two to five pages in length.
According to Phillip (1994: 266) “an essay is a piece continuous writing. It can be written in few hundred words or more as directed”.
So, it can be concluded that an essay is a piece of writing consists of more than one paragraph; there is an introductory paragraph, body paragraph, and concluding paragraph in it. An essay also talks about one topic.
2.3.2. Main Parts of an Essay
Writing an essay so far has been concerned with developing paragraphs. Within an essay, each paragraph has a definite function. A paragraph may serve the purpose of introducing, developing, or summarizing. As we know paragraph contains of topic sentence, supporting sentences a, and concluding sentence. Like a paragraph, an essay usually divides into three main parts, they are: an introductory paragraph, body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.
a. IntroductoryParagraph
Oshima and Ann (1981: 77) that introductory paragraph is a paragraph, which consists of two main parts, they are; a few general statement about the subject discussed and a thesis statement to state the specific subdivisions of the topic and the plan of the paper discussed. A thesis statement for an essay is just like a topic sentence for a paragraph.
By considering the opinion above the researcher concludes that the introductory paragraph states the subject of the whole composition. The introduction should limit the subject and tell what aspects of it will be treated. It may also explain why these aspects have been chosen for treatment. It should state the aim of the writer. It prepares the reader for what is to follow.
Normally, the introduction paragraph serves several functions. It attempts to attract the reader’s attention and indicates what idea will be expressed. It perhaps will show how the thing will be handled or how it will some. Thus, it will give the reader a proper frame of mind to receive what will be followed.
The first sentence of the introductory paragraph sounds like a general comment about the subject, moving gradually to a more specific one and leading into a thesis statement, and this statement serves major function in introduction, stating the specific one topic, listing the major subtopic that will be discussed in the body of essay.
b. Body Paragraph
The body of an essay varies from one to another. It depends upon the number of subdivisions of the topic stated. The paragraphs of the body are like the main supporting points of a paragraph.
The developing paragraphs are the body or main part of and essay. An essay may consist of as many developing paragraphs as there are main topics to discuss.
Oshima and Ann (1981: 78) stated “the body is the longest part of essay and can contain as many paragraphs as necessary to support the controlling ideas of our thesis statement”.
c. Concluding Paragraph
The final paragraph in the essay is the conclusion. In it, we ties together to thoughts presented in the essay and bring the work to a close.
Sullivan (1976: 102) said that the third part of composition is the conclusion. In two or three sentences it may summarize the subject or main purpose of the composition and give emphasize to it with a final statement of special impact or importance.
From the ideas above, the researcher can conclude that the summarizing paragraph or commonly known as concluding paragraph usually restates in different words the main points that have been made in the developing. This paragraph does not usually introduce any new ideas. It should give the feeling that the composition is completed and that a conclusion has been reached.
Like the concluding sentence of a paragraph, a conclusion of an essay is a summary review of the main points presented in the body. This is a very important part of the essay. In addition, we need to deliver a strong message that will be easier to understand, for the reader. This paragraph often uses transition signals as: in conclusion, finally, to infer, and the like.
3.1 Method of Research
This research is designed by using qualitative research design. Furthermore, Bodgan and Taylor (in Moleong, (2001: 3) stated that qualitative method is the procedure of research that result descriptive data, such as written or oral from people and action that can be observed. The students who develop their academic writing were asked to write a final task in essay format. The result of their writing was collected as data. Data was described qualitatively and supported by simple statistics like percentage. This research also expected the students to formulate coherent ideas of essay for developing their essay in accordance with their topic chosen.
3.2. Subject of Research
To do this research, it is needed a subject for a research in order to make one generalization of result of her research.
According to Samarin (1967: 21) that “we need subject of research in order to get the body of the data (corpus), which is necessary for making generalizations about the structure of a research.
Based on Samarin’s opinion above, so the data were taken from six semester students of English Department on Gorontalo State University who were taking subject matter at writing IV, they are in academic year 2003-2004. The writing essay of students became data and source of data. The result of student’s writing were collected and then analyzed for further interpretation.
3.3. Technique of Collecting the Data
According to Harris (1969: 69) that it would seem obvious that the direst way of measuring students’ writing ability would be to have them write. Because composition tests, require students to organize their own answer, expressed in their own words. Thus composition tests measure certain writing ability (e.g. ability to organize).
The data were collected by asking students to write an essay with optional titles or composition test. The composition test is designed in order the students make an essay composition, which consist of three main points, namely: an introductory paragraph, body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph. Preparing for collected the data, the researcher consulted one of the lecturer who taught the writing subject, because it can helped her in conducting and get the data for this research accurately.
The essay composition here means a composition of about four to eight paragraphs in length. Every writing product is identified whether or not use coherent formulation of ideas in their writing essay without ignores other aspects of writing. Each students were produced an essay, but not all of them were selected.
3.4. Technique of Analyzing the Data
There were some steps that the researcher used in analyzing the data. First the researcher will observe the students’ compositions based on the formulation of coherent idea in each parts of essay. The way to observe this formulation is based on the scale devised by John Anderson in Hughes (1991)
as follows:
”_6 Highly organized; clear progression of ideas well linked; like educated native writer.
_5 Material well organized; links could occasionally be clearer but communication not impaired.
_4 Some lack of organization; re-reading required for clarification of idea.
_3 Little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader can deduce some organization.
_2 Individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them.
_1 Lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired.”
The last step is describing the students’ formulation in each category through descriptive way.
The data were collected by asking students to write an essay with optional titles. This composition is designed in order the students make an essay composition, which consists of three main points, namely: an introductory paragraph, body paragraph, and concluding paragraph. Every writing product is identifying whether or not uses coherent formulation of ideas in their writing essay.
Additionally, the researcher would observe the students’ composition based on their idea. The researcher would see if relevant arguments are preserved in an interesting way, with main ideas prominently and clearly stated, with completely effective supporting material, by using some transition signals and logical order.
In accordance with the foregoing, in analyzing the compositions of the students, the researcher used the Anderson’s scale. The scale is divided into six categories. The first categorize is highly organized; it means that the students’ composition have clear progression of ideas. The ideas were linked well and like educated native writer.
The second categorize is well organized. It means that the student’s composition have well-organized material, and the idea links could occasionally be clearer but communication is not impaired. Sometime the illustrations of idea were confused because the flow of idea to another idea is not stated well.
The third categorize is some lack of organization. It means that the composition is lack of organization and needs re-reading required for clarification of ideas. The next categorize is no attempt at connectivity. This composition is good but there is little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader can deduce some organization.
Furthermore, the fifth categorize is very difficult connection. In this categorize; the composition is incoherent because the individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them. The last categorize is lack of organization. The ideas in this composition are not only lack but also so severe that communication is serious impaired. No organizational structure or message is recognizable.
There are 41 students of sixth semester of English Department in Gorontalo Stated University who were taking subject matter at writing IV. They made composition under the different titles. 19 students choose “watching a movie is much better than reading a book of the same title” as the titles of their essays. 9 students choose “reading a book is much better than watching a movie in the same title”. 11 students choose “level of English ability of students at IKIP”, and the last only 2 students choose “much easier to study while living at home”. (See appendix 3)
There are six levels of students’ in formulating coherent ideas in essay, namely;
4.1. Very poor level
Based on the calculation of the percentage that was illustrated in table 2 (see appendix 5), there were 5 students or 12, 19 % classified into very poor level. They were classified into very poor level because the communication is seriously impaired in their essay. Moreover, the idea in this composition is too lack and not fully representative of the main idea.
One example of the students’ essay which is categorized into very poor level could be seen in the paragraph below.
Sample 40
Study is my hobby, we can enjoy the all of anything when us study in house. I like study in house because the all of have prepare, like television, type recorder, playstation and so on, beside that we have much friends good it, from our family consists of father, mother, grand mather, grand father, daugher other brother and so on. I like study in my house because when I have a problem I can invided with my family I easer study in house, cause when I was boring with my lesson I will watching the television on listen the type recorder, by that my borring will lose. I can enjoy the all of anything when I studying in house.
I more study living away from home because it make us dependent, beside it our parents can’t control, just us controlled by one self. Living a way from home is very expensive cause the all of anything must bought. Good it cost money, water, lamp, and so on. The all of my friends live dependent good it too, they prepared by one’s self but it for me is very difficult.
This composition consists of 2 paragraphs only. He did not make a special concluding paragraph, he put concluding sentence into the body paragraph. It is too short to be called as an essay, for several reasons. Firstly, the idea of this composition is too lack and not fully representative of the main idea.
Secondly, the main idea is not clear and confusing; therefore, it is very difficult to find the correlation between supporting ideas and main idea. Additionally, the ideas in his mind were good enough but he got confused to put it into the written form. Thus, his essay became lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired. The fact is, he wanted to talk about some reasons that could make him much easier to study while living at home but in the first sentence of the first paragraph he wrote “study is my hobby”. Furthermore, in the paragraph 2 he talked about “living away from home is very expensive ...”. On the other hand, the supporting ideas were not proved and supported the main idea.
This composition was not only lacks of ideas; but also lack of transition signals. In first paragraph he put; because, like, and beside that; as the transition signals. In the last paragraph he put only; beside it, and but. Therefore, there was no logical order in this composition such as chronological order and order of importance. Thus, the movement of sentences from one to another is not logic and smooth.
4.2. Poor level
From 41 students, there were 9 students or 21, 95 % who had been categorized into poor level. They made very difficult connection composition. The individual ideas may be clear in their composition, but very difficult to deduce connection between them. There were also some supporting ideas, which are disconnection with the main idea.
Here is an example of the students’ composition that is categorized as poor level.
Sample 14
Watching a movie is the one thing that all people likes. Much people chosing watching a movie that reading a book of the same title. Why? Because when someone watching a movie, they can look at the fact of the story. On the other hand, with read a book, they must a imagination about he story, because if the reader didn’t have imagination, there’s nothing or blank.
Much reason when people chosing watching the movie than read a book. First, movie show the fact for the people. Second, language that using in the movie is easy for people understanding. Third, movie have a good one that more than the book, that is, people just see. So, now we know why the people just like watching a movie than reading a book of the same title.
In the other hand, book also have other interest. To read a book, the reader start to imagine about the story. Book have a interesting language than the movie. But, sometimes book made the reader confusing about the story. Interesting in one book is the language that the writer using. When people interest with the one or first sentence, they read untilthe end. This is that make some book interesting than the movie.
In the fact, much people like to watching a movie than reading a book. But, book also have interesting. In the same ways, all the movie can be a book, but not all the book can be a movie. So, that’s all from the people it self. But, movie is for the all people and not just for the someone that have imagination.
This composition consists of 4 paragraphs, namely; an introductory paragraph, 2 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. The first paragraph described about “watching a movie is the one thing that all people likes”. But the next sentence she talked about the reasons why people choose watching a movie than reading a book. It was confusing because the supporting idea disconnected with the main idea.
The second paragraph is begun with the first reason why people choosing watching a movie than reading a book. But in the next sentence she repeated again what she said in the first paragraph that “when someone watching a movie, they can look at the fact of the story”. In addition, she put all of the reason why people choose watching the movie than reading a book only in paragraph two. It is better to divide it into the different paragraphs, as the body paragraph, or making a new paragraph to illustrate it. Thus, the ideas will smoothly and understood by the reader.
Furthermore, the third paragraph is incoherent. Because the statements in this paragraph were not supported and proved the main idea in introductory paragraph. The main idea in introductory paragraph is “the reasons why people choosing watching a movie than reading a book”. However, she talked that “book also have other interest” in paragraph two. In conclusion, individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them.
The last paragraph becomes concluding paragraph. She concludes that “much people like to watching a movie than reading a book” as the restates of the main idea in introductory paragraph in the different words. But she was not consistency with her opinion about it, because she wrote again that book also have interesting.
In this composition she puts some transition signals, for instance; on the other hand, but, and, or, so, and in the fact. She also used chronological order; sentence connector such as first, second, and third in paragraph two, but still difficult to deduce connection between them.
4.3. Average level
There were 3 students or 7, 31 % that had categorized into average level. Their compositions did not display and ability communicates although meaning comes through spasmodically. Thus, the reader cannot find any organizational structure and cannot follow a message. Some elements of information were presented but the reader is not provided with an argument, or the argument is mainly irrelevant. In conclusion is not provided with an argument, or the argument is mainly irrelevant. In conclusion, their composition ware good but there was a no attempt at connectivity, though reader could deduce some organization.
Sample 19
To can understand a story of a movie we can gat by reading a book or watching a movie. Now many movies have prepare into book or cassette to get understand the sequence of even of a movie, one way is the best is watching a movie.
The first advantages of watching a movie, is much easy than reading a book of the same title. If we watching we are not need more understanding so we can spend our energy. Beside it, we feel it’s same with we see a reality. From understands the story we need long time and however it may until one day. So, we must spend many energy to it.
The second, we can happy from watching a movie. When we watching, we can do with our friends. Beside it we can while eat snack. It different with reading a book. We only do alone and cannot eat something. So, we are enjoy.
In conclusion, watching a movie have two advantages than reading a book. First, we can do it much easy. Second, it makes be happy. So, watching a movie better than reading a book with same title.
This composition consists of 4 paragraphs; the first paragraph is introductory paragraph; the second and the third paragraph are body paragraphs and the last paragraph is concluding paragraph.
The introductory paragraph is talked about “to understand a story of a movie we can get by reading a book or watching a movie”. This introduction is too general, but she wrote again that “now many movies have prepared into book or cassette to get understand the sequence of event of a movie, one way is the best is watching a movie” in the next sentence. In conclusion, she wanted to restate that “Watching a movie” is much better than reading a book of the same title”.
Moreover the second paragraph is begun with “the first” transition signal, it is shown the first reason that proved general statement. E. g, “we can spend our energy and same with see a reality”.
The third paragraph is also begun with transition signal ‘the second”. It means that she wanted to explain the second from the main idea in introductory paragraph. And the reason is “watching a movie is make happy than reading book”.
To maintain the continuation of the idea in the body paragraph she related it by beginning the last paragraph as concluding paragraph. By using transition signal in conclusion, the summary of composition is preserved. She restated two reasons, which prove the main idea in introductory paragraph again. In all of this composition is good but there is a little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader can deduce some organization.
About the transition signal; there were some transition signals in this composition, for example; or, and, so, however and also chronological order; sentence connector such as the first, the second, when and beside it.
4.4. Good level
Based on the calculation of the percentage of the students’ ability in formulating coherence of ideas in essay there were 19 students or 46, 34 % who had classified into good level. They were classified into good level because their composition displayed a limited ability to communicate. It lacks a clear organizational structure and the message was difficult to follow. Arguments were in adequate presented and supported; and also they might be irrelevant. Thus, it was re-reading required for clarification of ideas.
Paragraph bellow is illustrated a good level of students’ ability in composing an essay.
The English student at IKIP are able to be the candidate of English teacher in future. They must have capability in English. In order they are more professionalism. But in fact the reality now, the English students still find the problems to learn English. They have statement that English is enjoy lesson but sometimes are difficult and boring. So this matter make the ability of students be variation. The causes of this matter are the quality of teachers, self confidence of students, and the way of student to applicate English.
The first causes is the quality of teacher its self. The teacher less professional to teach English especially in language skills. They have different ability and sometimes make students feel difficult, if they get the tasks. They also can not pronounce well, and speak fluently.
The second causes is self confidence of students. Self confidence can show ability of students. They are student which has high self confidence, low self confidence and no one self confisdence. For example in speaking skill. the student has self confidence will brave to speak. Whereas the student have no self confidence will feel shy and afraid. So from this conditionwill field three ability of student. There are smart student, middle student and stupid student.
The last causes is the way of student to applicate English. The English just no knowledge, but it must me mastered in order can be applicated in all situation. In reality now, more students just learn the English, they don’t practice and have no much vocabulary. Consequently only diligent student can practice English, whereas if the student no practice automatically they can not mastering English well.
As a summary in this problem, in fact three matters above can field differences of student ability in mastering English, there are level ability of English student in IKIP. They are clever students, middle, students, and stupid students. So, the teacher must attention it.
There were 5 paragraphs in this composition. An introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
The first paragraph is the introduction. “The English students of IKP are to be the candidate of English teacher in future”, became the general statement of this essay. And the thesis statement is three reasons that made the ability of students be variations. She put some transition signals in this paragraph, such as in order, but, and, and also so.
In coherent aspect this composition is written coherent coherently by using some words of transition signals. In the second paragraph, she wrote the first reason that makes the ability of student be variations, which were focused on the quality of teacher its self. She also put some transition signals in this paragraph, such as if and as a result.
As the second reason, she wrote about the students’ self confidence in the third paragraph. This statement really supports the signals, such as; for example, whereas, and so.
Meanwhile, the last reason on thesis statement was explain in the next paragraph. In this paragraph, she illustrated about the application of the students’ ability in using English at IKIP. But the organization of the ideas in this composition was still needed much understanding. Furthermore, this composition had some lack of organization and re-reading was required to clarify the ideas.
The concluding paragraph was contained all the problems that mentioned in the composition. She concluded her composition by using as a summary as the sentence connector. She also put in fact and so in this paragraph.
4.5 Pretty good
Based on the total percentage of the students’ ability in formulating coherence of ideas in essay, it could be seen in table 2 (see table 7); there were 4 students or 9, 75 % who had classified into pretty good level. The material and idea well organized but the links could occasionally be clearer and also the communication was not impaired. The ability to communicate was few difficulties for the reader. This composition displayed good organizational structure that enables the message to be followed without much effort. The pretty good categorized composition is shown as follow:
Sample 22
In learning something, or understanding a certain subject, we need to use a special way that appropriate with our necessary, so we can understand it clearly. From this maybe we have to consider that there are the similarities of watching a movie and reading a book of the same title.
First of all, we have to know that reading is extremely important for us because through reading, the reader can get a message, experience and also getting pleasure. And when we watching a movie are too. We can get information, also pleasure when the story is interesting for us. All of these are the similarities when we reading a book and watching a movie.
On the other hand, there are many differences of watching a movie and reading a book. For example in learning a literary work of “LOVE STORY”, we need to know who are the characters, how are their characteristic and how about their lifestyle,etc... If we use a movie as our information sourch, its’ easy for us to understand it. Why not? On the movie we can see the real characters, the real characteristic of each person. It’s mean, when we watch it, we can see directly how their faces, their costumes, and also their movements in orders or anything. In contrast, when we read a book, we can’t see the persons in that story. Here, we only can describe the characters by our self. Because, usually there is no clear character in a story book. Also, how their. Customes, it doesn’t clear for us, so we need the to analyze it with our self. In addition, by using a movie, we only need the brief time. We can watch it in two or three hours. Whereas, when we use a book or reading a book to understand it, we need more time than watching a movie. Moreover, when we found the difficult words in the story. So, we need to find it in dictionary again and again. And it’s will spend many and many time to finish and understand it. Because, in reading a text, the reader needs special skill in obtaining information. It can be said that reading is a process of transferring information from the writer to the reader. Besides that, reading is very complex activity which requires close coordination of body and brain.
Finally, we can see that it is much easy to understand a subject by watching a movie than reading a book. So, it is important for us to think it.
In this composition, there were 4 paragraphs. The first paragraph becomes introductory paragraph, the second and the third paragraph are body paragraphs and the last paragraph is concluding paragraph.
The thesis statement of this composition was placed on the first paragraph as introductory paragraph. The thesis statement is,”there are similarities of watching a movie and reading a book of the same title”. The thesis statement which was illustrated in introductory paragraph was clear, but the general statement was blurred. There was not general statement in introductory paragraph.
The next paragraph was illustrated about the differences of watching a movie and reading a book. This illustrate was confusing because the flow of idea to another idea was not explained well. In introductory paragraph there was not explanation about the differences of watching a movie and reading a book. In addition, the idea of this paragraph was not linked within the ideas in the introductory paragraph. The material and idea well organized, but the links could occasionally be clearer and also communication not impaired.
The concluding paragraph that is “much easy to understand a subject by watching a movie than reading a book”. She chooses that statement as the closing idea in her composition.
In this composition there were transition signals and chronological orders; sentence connector. The example of transition signals such as on the other hand, moreover, for examples, in addition, in contrast and whereas. Chronological order such as; first of all, besides that, and finally. In the first paragraph there were; or, from this, and, and so. The second paragraph such as first of all, because, when, and also. In the third paragraph she used on the other hand, for example, if, when, also, in contrast, here, because, in addition, whereas, so, besides that and also moreover. Lastly, in the last paragraph there were finally and so.
4.6. Very good level
From 41 sample of this research, there was only 1 student or 2, 43 % which has had very poor category level. Her composition displayed an ability to communicate without making any difficulties to the reader. It displayed a logical organizational structure that enables the message to be understood easily. Relevant arguments were presented in an interesting way, with main ideas highlighted, effective supporting material, and they were well related each other. On the other hand, the idea was not only clear progression but also well linked. The composition bellow was an example of very good level.
Sample 4
Watching a movie is might be one of our hobby. It is very interesting. Moreover, if we watch the movie which taken place from the best-seller book. Talking about watching a movie and reading a book of the same title, obviously have the similarities and the differences. However, it is depend on us to choose what is the best we can do.
Watching a movie and reading a book of the same title have several similarities. Both of them are very attractive. We can enjoy and sometimes imagine as if we are being in that story. In edition, we can infer what will be happen next before the story that we watch or read finish.
Despite these similarities, watching a movie and reading a book of the same title have some obvious differences in the following things: time and the action of the story.
Watching the movie, we may have know the time duration that is required until the movie is finish. Whereas, reading a book we do not know exactly how much times we need to finish one book. Another difference between these two activities are the action in the story. We can see clearly what is happening in the story; the sound, the moves and any other acts which is performed if we watching a movie. On the other hand, if we reading a book, we cannot see what is happening. We just can feel the action from the author’s descriptive about the story. Therefore, we have to be clever to choose the book in order that we can get satisfaction.
In contrast, watching a movie, we can’t take the relax. All we do is just sitting in front of the television and watching carefully every step and move in the movie. If we leave at once, we will leave half of the story. This is in contrast to reading a book where we can take a rest if we bored or tired while reading a book. We just need to mark what page that we have read and then leave the book. We can continue our reading any time we want.
In conclusion, watching a movie is more attractive and much better than reading a book of the same title. However, it is our turn to decide which is better for us by notice their similarities and differences.
This composition consists of 2 paragraphs. And introductory paragraph, 4 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
The thesis statement of this composition was “the similarities and the differences of watching a movie and reding a book of the same title”. And the general statement was “watching a movie is might be one of our hobby”. Both of the statements were illustrated in the first paragraph as the introductory of this composition. In this paragraph she used moreover and however as the transition signals.
The citation of this composition was started from the second paragraph, which shown the correlation of idea with the first paragraph. She explained about the similarities of watching a movie and reading a book of the same title. The transition signals that she used in this paragraph such as, as if and in addition.
In the third paragraph, the writer introduced the opposite idea with the idea in paragraph before by using word despite as the transition signal. In this paragraph she explained about the differences between watching a movie and reading a book of the same title; they were time and the action of the story. This statement improved the thesis statement in introductory paragraph.
In fourth paragraph, the writer introduced the first reason of the statement in paragraph before that was about time duration. She explained about the time duration that the people needed to watching a movie and reading a book until finished. She also spoke about the action of story when watching a movie and reding a book, she used some transition signals to make the movement of idea between sentences more clearly. They were whereas, another, on the other hand, and therefore.
Paragraph four which was continued to the fifth paragraph. She wrote about the differences between watching a movie and reding a book. In this paragraph she used in contrast and if as the transition signals.
In the last paragraph or the concluding paragraph, she concluded that “watching a movie is more attractive and much better than reading a book of the same title”. Used in conclusion and however as the transition signals in this paragraph.
Thus, this composition was easy to understand. Because this composition was highly organized, the ideas not only clear progression but also well linked; and look like educated native writer. Therefore, it was categorized into good level.
After analyzing the students’ essay in each category based on Anderson’s scale toward the students’ ability it could be concluded that students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay were various and categorized into average level. The percentage of students who able to formulate coherent ideas in essay was only 132 or 3, 22 %.
The students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay was only 132 or 3, 22%. It because the coherence aspect seemed difficult for most students. They could not able to make the ideas clear in their composition. Arguments were presented but it might be difficult to the reader to distinguish main ideas from supporting material; main ideas might not be supported; and their relevance might be dubious.
Based on the explanations before, the researcher found that the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay could be categorized as follows:
a.Very poor level was 12,19 %
In this case caused by their composition uncommunicative and lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired.
b.Poor level was 21,95 %
In this case, individual ideas might be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them.
c.Average level was 7,31 %
This because there was little or not attempted at connectivity, though reader could deduce some organization.
d.Good level was 46,34 %
In this case, there were some lack of organization and re-reading required for clarification of idea.
e.Pretty good level was 9,75 %
It because the material well organized, but the links could occasionally be clearer and also communication not impaired.
f.Very good level was 2,43 %
In this case the idea highly organized, the ideas not only clear progression but also well linked; and look like educated native writer.
Most of the students have good and creative ideas but they confused to arrange their ideas into a good organization. Otherwise, they were unable to formulate it clear. Furthermore, it was difficult to describe their ideas in a clear flow.
The students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay was various. It could be seen in their essay composition in which there were some students composed into six paragraphs, four paragraphs and two paragraphs. Besides that, the quality of their composition was different.
After learning the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay as described in chapter IV it is significant to draw some points. These points will be useful for both students and the teacher.
5.1 Conclusions
Based on the result of the chapter before, the researcher would like put forward some conclusions. First of all, writing is skills that can be improve. Thus, students who have difficulty can be helped by giving them training. In addition, writing is to communicate the ideas to other thus it is important to help the students to improve their ability in it. the result of this research shows that the students’ ability needs to be improved.
The second is the students’ mastery on coherence of idea is important in writing essay. Otherwise, in this research it is discovered that most of the students’ were unable to compose a coherent composition. Most of the students cannot put the appropriate organization in their essay. Their composition showed that the flow of their though is confusing because it is lack of connection.
Additionally, it was found that the students’ ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay were various. In the first level there were 5 students or 12, 19 %, classified into very poor. In the second level were 9 students or 21, 95% who had been categorized into poor. In the next level, there were 3 students or 7, 31% that had been categorized into average. In fourth level, there were 19 students or 9, 75% who had been classified into pretty good and the last level there was only 1 student or 2,43% which has been categorized into very good.
The total percentage of semester VI2 students of English Department at Gorontalo State University in academic year 2003-2004 ability in formulating coherent ideas in essay was only 3, 22% or categorized into average level. Students who able to formulate coherent ideas in essay are 27 students or 65, 85%, and students who not able to formulate coherent ideas in essay are 14 students or 34, 14%. Moreover, they also still failed in using vocabulary and grammar.
5.2. Suggestions
Based on the research conclusion above, the researcher put forward the suggestions. The first of all, there must be a good interaction between students and English teachers in teaching and learning process. Giving more attention to students is important in increasing their ability to formulate coherent ideas in essay and it is as the part of writing process. It also would be better for English teachers to give more exercises, because the students’ ability in writing essay will be increased by practicing.
Furthermore, the other essential factor which support the process of teaching writing are giving the students a writing preparation as the same as the other skills such as speaking, reading, and listening; and the next is applying the appropriate and various technique, in order to avoid the students from setting bored. However, students need to be motivated in learning.
The last suggestion is, the researcher hopes that this research another researcher would continue and find out the complex problem of teaching writing.
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Muziatun was born in Gorontalo on February 4th 1982 from the couple of Moekadji and Zubaidah Dingo Gou. She started her formal Elementary. Education in 1988 at SDN 9 Kota Selatan and Graduated in 1994: she continued to Junior High School at SMP Negeri 1 Gorontalo and graduated from there in 1997.
Then in 2000 she graduated from Senior High School at SMU Negeri 3 Gorontalo.
After graduated from Senior High School, she Choose Teacher Training Education College (STKIP) Gorontalo she took English Study Programme in Language and Art Department. Since 2000 until the end of her study in February 2000 after STKIP became IKIP Negeri Gorontalo and the last Gorontalo State University.
Before she started to study in University firstly, she attended Campus Introduction Study Programe (PBK) in 2000 at STKIP Gorontalo and took as one participant of PTR. In 2004 she attended PPL at Junior High School SLTP Negeri 2 Gorontalo, and then in the same year she participated KKS Gorontalo State University at Rumbia subdistrict of Botumoito at Boalemo. In 2003, she followed PKL at Makassar.
Another activity that she followed, namely as the participant of English debate composition at makassar in 2002 and became the best speaker. The organization experience that she obtained is the member of HMJ at English department.
Appendix 1
1.Iwan Hamzah
2.Winarti Ib. Mastura
3.Trianti Abdul Rahman
4.Nurvitrawati Massa
5.Rita Kase
6.Syarifudin Ali
7.Magfirah El. Walidayni Kau
8.Salhun Mile
9.Irna T Banoke
10.Munifa Djibran
11.Yulindawati Boyuhu
12.Sitti Astini Korompot
13.Satria Lasulika
14.Rina Utari Andiani
16.Olan Tahir
17.Karni Nggilu
18.Rusdin Bakari
19.Ramlah Mahanggi
20.Isma Husain
21.Wa Ani
22.Hartati Mertosono
23.Ramna Utina
24.Pahrun H Lahabu
25.Harteti Ichsan
26.Erlin NauE
27.Yenny Djamila Harun
28.Ervina Panyili
29.Meylan Panai
30.Misdiati Tahutu
31.Yerlina Simalu
32.Husin Suronoto
33.Irma Vijayanti Pakaya
34.Arvan Bisango
35.Sri Yuyun Domili
36.Yudin Banuna
37.Santy Wantu
38.Siske yasin
40.Fikri Umar
41.Rinny Puspita Sari
Appendix 2
1.Watching a movie is much better than reading a book of the same title.
2. Reading a book is much better than watching a movie of the same title.
3.Level of English ability of students at IKIP.
4.Much easier to study while living at home.
Appendix 3
Watching a movie is much better than reading a book of the same title.
Reading a book is much better than watching a movie in the some title.
Level of English ability of students at IKIP.
Much easier to study while living at home.
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Anderson’s scale
Very Poor
Very Poor
Very Poor
Very Poor
Very Poor
Lack of organization
Lack of organization
Lack of organization
Lack of organization
Lack of organization
12. 19 %
Very Poor
Lack of organization
Appendix 6
Anderson’s scale
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
Very difficult connection
12. 95 %
Very difficult connection
Appendix 7
Anderson’s scale
No attempt of connectivity
No attempt of connectivity
No attempt of connectivity
7,31 %
No attempt of connectivity
Appendix 8
Anderson’s scale
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Some lack of organization
Appendix 9
Anderson’s scale
Pretty good
Pretty good
Pretty good
Pretty good
Well organized
Well organized
Well organized
Well organized
9.75 %
Pretty Good
Well organized
Appendix 10
Anderson’s scale
Very Good
Highly organized
2,43 %
Very Good
Highly organized
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